The Quium SFTP server will give you peace of mind through intelligent evaluation of patch management.

A Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) server is required for all Cisco UC deployments. This SFTP server is used to make backups of the Cisco UC configuration data, and is also used to download and store CUCM and other Collaboration application’s patches. Cisco only supports a handful of   server types, therefore the setup of approved servers, application and patch management can be extremely time consuming.

The Quium SFTP Server provides a robust and feature-rich platform to store and manage UC backups and patches. Through patch management and the automatic calculation of MD5 hashes, patches can be validated, activated, deactivated, or deleted as required, providing a single pane of glass view of your Cisco UC patches.

The SFTP Server provides two valuable services to your CUCM system:

  • Quium SFTP Server acts as a backup repository for all
  • Cisco UC products, and any other applications that use SFTP for remote file transfer
  • It stores and catalogs the backups, allowing them to be downloaded via the QCU for long-term or off-site archiving
  • Archived backups can be used in the unlikely event of system failure to restore a functional system, minimizing downtime and associated loss of productivity
  • QCU also acts as a patch repository, storing necessary patches and providing validation of files against Cisco Connection Online (CCO) hashes
  • Clear and concise icons provide an instant visual identification of patch verification status
  • Unneeded or inactive patches can be viewed, deleted or disabled to prevent the incorrect application of a patch file

Not sure where to start? Our team of experts is here to help you simplify your day-to-day – starting with determining the best tools for your workflow.